Wolf Cub Scout
From MeritBadgeDotOrg
MeritBadge.Org provides resources for Wolf Cub Scout requirements, Electives,
Belt Loop & Pin Workbooks, Awards, & Den Leader Fast Tracks Den Meeting plans.
Special topics include Uniform, Training, Pinewood Derby, Day Camp, and Flag Ceremonies.
Cub Scout Wolf Rank |

Wolf Badge
Target age group: |
2nd grade |
Created: |
1930 |
Current status: |
Active |
Latest Requirements Revision: |
2003 |
Latest Handbook Revision: |
#33450 |
The Wolf Cub Scout program is for boys who have completed first grade (or are age 8). After earning the Bobcat badge, a boy may earn the Wolf badge by completing 12 achievements involving simple physical and mental skills.
Often, den meeting activities enable the Wolf Cub Scouts to complete requirements toward an award or rank. The den leader can initial the requirement in the boys' handbooks, but it must also be signed by a parent or guardian to indicate the requirement has been completed. The Den Chief helps lead the meetings. The Denners and Assistant Den Leaders lead Opening and Closing flag ceremonies and help with setup and cleanup.
After he has earned the Wolf badge, a boy is encouraged to work on any of the 100 Wolf Electives projects. When he completes 10 elective projects, he earns a Gold Arrow Point to wear under the Wolf badge. For each additional 10 elective projects completed, he earns a Silver Arrow Point.
Wolf Cub Scouts can complete and repeat Belt Loops and Pins at any time.
Wolf Cub Scout requirements
1. Feats of Skill
(Wolf Handbook, Page 38)
- NOTE for Akela: If a physician certifies that a Cub Scout's physical condition for an indeterminable time won't permit him to do three of these requirements, the Cubmaster and pack committee may authorize substitution of any three Arrow Point electives.
- a. Play catch with someone 10 steps away. Play until you can throw and catch.
- b. Walk a line back and forth. Do it sideways too. Then walk the edge of a board six steps each way.
- c. Do a front roll.
- d. Do a back roll.
- e. Do a falling forward roll.
- Do one of the following (f, g, h, i, j, k, or l):
- f. See how high you can jump.
- g. Do the elephant walk, frog leap, and crab walk.
- h. Using a basic swim stroke, swim 25 feet.
- i. Tread water for 15 seconds or as long as you can. Do your best.
- j. Using a basketball or playground ball, do a -
- Chest pass
- Bounce pass.
- Overhand Pass
- k. Do a frog stand.
- l. Run or jog in place for 5 minutes.
2. Your Flag
(Wolf Handbook, Page 46)
- a. Give the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. Tell what it means.
- b. Lead a flag ceremony in your den.
- c. Tell how to respect and take care of the U.S. flag. Show three ways to display the flag.
- d. Learn about the flag of your state or territory and how to display it.
- e. Learn how to raise a U.S. flag properly for an outdoor ceremony
- f. Participate in an outdoor flag ceremony.
- g. With the help of another person, fold the U.S. flag.
3. Keep Your Body Healthy
(Wolf Handbook, Page 56)
- a. Make a chart and keep track of your health habits for two weeks.
- b. Tell four ways to stop the spread of colds.
- c. Show what to do for a small cut on your finger.
4. Know Your Home and Community
(Wolf Handbook, Page 60)
- a. Make a list of phone numbers you need in case of an emergency. Put a copy of this list by each phone or in a central place in your home. Update it often.
- b. Tell what to do if someone comes to the door and wants to come in.
- c. Tell what to do if someone calls on the phone.
- d. When you and your family leave home, remember to:
- Turn off the lights,
- Close and lock the windows,
- Turn off the water,
- Take care of your pets,
- Have my key,
- Lock all the doors.
- e. Talk with your family members. Agree on the household jobs you will be responsible for. Make a list of your jobs and mark off when you have finished them. Do this for one month. Citizenship Belt Loop #1
- f. Visit an important place in your community, such as a historic or government location. Explain why it is important. Citizenship Pin #5, #6, #7, or #10
5. Tools for Fixing and Building
(Wolf Handbook, Page 64)
- a. Point out and name seven tools. Do this at home, or go to a hardware store with an adult. Tell what each tool does.
- b. Show how to use pliers.
- c. Identify a Philips head and a standard screw. Then use the right tool to drive and then remove one from a board.
- d. Show how to use a hammer.
- e. Make a birdhouse, a set of bookends, or something else useful.
6. Start a Collection
(Wolf Handbook, Page 70)
- a. Complete the Character Connection for Positive Attitude.
- Know. Discuss with your family how a cheerful and positive attitude will help you do your best at school and in other areas of your life.
- Commit. Discuss with your family how gathering items for a collection may be difficult. How does a hopeful and cheerful attitude help you to keep looking for more items. Why is a positive attitude important?
- Practice. Practice having a positive attitude while doing the requirements for "Start a Collection."
- b. Make a collection of anything you like. Start with 10 things. Put them together in a neat way. Collecting Belt Loop #1, Geology Belt Loop #2
- c. Show and explain your collection to another person. Collecting Belt Loop #2
7. Your Living World
(Wolf Handbook, Page 74) This achievement is also part of the Cub Scout World Conservation Award and Cub Scouting's Leave No Trace Award.
- a. Complete the Character Connection for Respect.
- Know. Discuss these questions with your family: What things have people done to show a lack of respect to our world? Why is it important to respect our environment and ntural resources? How can you show respect for your environment?
- Commit. Discuss with your family how you feel when you see places in your neighborhood that have lots of litter. Name one thing you can do to help the environment.
- Practice. Practice being respectful while doing the requirements for "Your Living World."
- b. Land, air and water can get dirty. Discuss with your family ways this can happen.
- c. It takes a lot of energy to make glass, cans, and paper products. You can help save energy by collecting these items for use again. Find out how recycling is done where you live. Find out what items you can recycle.
- d. With an adult, pick up litter in your neighborhood. Wear gloves to protect your hands against germs and cuts from sharp objects.
- e. With an adult, find three stories that tell how people are protecting our world. Read and discuss them together.
- f. Besides recycling, there are other ways to save energy. List three ways you can save energy, and do them.
8. Cooking and Eating
(Wolf Handbook, Page 78)
- a. Study the Food Guide Pyramid. Name some foods from each of the food groups shown in the pyramid.
- b. Plan the meals you and your family should have for one day. List things your family should have from the food groups shown in the Food Group Pyramid. At each meal, you should have foods from at least three food groups.
- c. Help fix at least one meal for your family. Help set the table, cook the food, and wash the dishes.
- d. Fix your own breakfast. Wash and put away the dishes.
- e. With an adult, help to plan, prepare, and cook an outdoor meal.
9. Be Safe at Home and on the Street
(Wolf Handbook, Page 82)
- a. Complete the Character Connection for Responsibility.
- Know. Discuss these questions with your family: How does being responsible help us be safe? Within the past week, how did you show responsibility?
- Commit. Discuss these questions with your family: What happens when people are not responsible? What things can make you forget to be responsible? What things will help you be more responsible?
- Practice. Practice being responsible while doing the requirements for "Be Safe at Home and on the Street."
- b. WITH AN ADULT, check your home for hazards and know how to make your home safe. Citizenship Pin #4
- c. WITH AN ADULT, check your home for danger from fire. Citizenship Pin #4
- d. Practice good rules of street and road safety.
- e. Know the rules of bike safety.
10. Family Fun
(Wolf Handbook, Page 88)
- Do requirement a and do TWO of requirements 10b through 10g:
- a. Complete the Character Connection for Cooperation.
- Know. Discuss these questions with your family: What is "cooperation"? Why do people need to cooperate when they are doing things together? Name some ways that you can be helpful and cooperate with others.
- Commit. Discuss with your family what makes it hard to cooperate. How do listening, sharing, and persuading help us cooperate?
- Practice. Practice being cooperative while doing the requirements for "Family Fun."
- b. Make a game like one of these. Play it with your family.
- c. Plan a walk. Go to a park or a wooded area, or visit a zoo or museum with your family.
- d. Read a book or Boys' Life magazine with your family. Take turns reading aloud. Communicating Pin #5
- e. Decide with Akela. what you will watch on television or listen to on the radio.
- f. Attend a concert, a play, or other live program with your family. Astronomy Pin #6, Chess Belt Loop #3, Chess Pin #5
- g. Have a family Board Game night at home with members of your family.
11. Duty to God
(Wolf Handbook, Page 94)
- a. Complete the Character Connection for Faith.
- Know. What is "faith"? With your family, discuss some people who have shown their faith - who have shown an inner strength based on their trust in a higher power or cause. Discuss the good qualities of these people.
- Commit. Discuss these questions with your family: What problems did these faithful people overcome to follow or practice their beliefs? What challenges might you face in doing your duty to God? Who can help you with these challenges?
- Practice. Practice your faith while doing the requirements for "Duty to God."
- b. Talk with your family about what they believe is their duty to God.
- c. Give two ideas on how you can practice or demonstrate your religious beliefs. Choose one and do it.
- d. Find out how you can help your church, synagogue, mosque, temple, or religious fellowship.
12. Making Choices
(Wolf Handbook, Page 100)
- Do requirement a and do FOUR of requirements 12b through 12k:
- a. Complete the Character Connection for Courage.
- Know. Discuss with your family what "courage" is. Review the requirements and discuss how you might need courage in each one to do what is right.
- Commit. Give some examples of when it is hard to do the right thing. Discuss with your family times that it might take courage to be honest and kind. Tell about a time in your life when you needed to be brave and courageous to do the right thing.
- Practice. Practice learning about courage while doing the requirements for "Making Choices." With family members, act out the choices you would make for some of the requirements.
- b. There is an older boy who hangs around Jason's school. He tries to give drugs to the children. What would you do if you were Jason?
- c. Lee is home alone. The phone rings. When Lee answers, a stranger asks if Lee's mother is home. She is not. Lee is alone. What would you do if you were Lee?
- d. Justin is new to your school. He has braces on his legs and walks with a limp. Some of the kids at school tease him. They want you to tease him, too. What would you do?
- e. Juan is on a walk with his little sister. A car stops and a man asks them to come over to the car. What would you do if you were Juan?
- f. Matthew's grandmother gives him money to buy an ice-cream cone. On the way to the store, a bigger boy asks for money and threatens to hit Matthew if he does not give him some money. If you were Matthew what would you do?
- g. Chris and his little brother are home alone in the afternoon. A woman knocks on the door and says she wants to read the meter. She is not wearing a uniform. What would you do if you were Chris?
- h. Sam is home alone. He looks out the window and sees a man trying to break into a neighbor's back door. What would you do if you were Sam?
- i. Mr. Palmer is blind. He has a guide dog. One day as he is crossing the street, some kids whistle and call to the dog. They want you and your friends to call the dog, too. What would you do?
- j. Some kids who go to Bob's school want him to steal candy and gum from a store, which they can share later. Bob knows this is wrong, but he wants to be popular with these kids. What would you do if you were Bob?
- k. Paul and his little sister are playing outdoors. A very friendly, elderly woman stops and watches the children for a while. Paul doesn't know the woman. She starts to talk to them and offers to take Paul's little sister on a walk around the block. What would you do?
The official source for the information shown in this article or section is:
Wolf Handbook, 2003 Edition (BSA Supply No. 33450) |
The text of these requirements is locked and can only be edited by an administrator.
Please note any errors found in the above requirements on this article's Talk Page.
Progress Toward Ranks |

A complete set of Progress Toward Ranks beads for a boy who has completed both Wolf and Bear ranks.
Level: |
Wolf and Bear |
Created: |
Progress Toward Ranks
The Progress Toward Ranks emblem is for Wolf and Bear Cub Scouts. While working toward the Wolf or Bear rank badge, Cubs receive one bead for every three achievements completed: Yellow beads for Wolf, Red beads for Bear.
The emblem is worn suspended from the right pocket flap button on the blue Cub Scout uniform shirt.
Arrow Points
Arrow Points are for boys who hold the Wolf and Bear Cub Scout Ranks. Once the rank badge has been earned, Cub Scouts may complete elective requirements to earn Arrow Points. After completing the first ten electives, a gold arrow point is awarded. Each further 10 electives will earn a silver arrow point. They are attached below the left pocket of the blue Cub Scout uniform.
Arrow Points |

Example of 1 gold and 4 silver, for 50 completed electives.
Level: |
Wolf and Bear |
Created: |
1930 |
Wolf Electives
Once the rank badge has been earned, Wolf Cub Scouts may complete elective requirements to earn Arrow Points.
Related achievements, electives, or other awards
The Wolf Cub Scout Achievements start you on many different Belt Loops and Pins!
All registered Tiger Cubs, Wolf Cubs, Bear Cubs, and Webelos Scouts can earn Belt Loops and Pins.
- 1. Feats Of Skill can be done at a Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award event.
- 2. See Flag Ceremonies and Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award.
- 3. Keep Your Body Healthy
- 4. Know Your Home And Community
- 6. Start A Collection
- 7. Your Living World
- Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award
- 8. Cooking And Eating
- 9. Be Safe At Home And On The Street
- Emergency Preparedness Awards
Emergency Preparedness-related awards
- Audit worksheets are the last pages of the Pin Req #4: The home safety & energy audits are in the last pages of the Cub Scout Citizenship Worksheet
- 10. Family Fun
- 10f. Attend a concert, a play, or other live program with your family. Astronomy Pin #6, Chess Belt Loop #3 & Pin #5
- 10g. could be met by completing Cub Scout Chess Belt Loop requirement #3 or Pin requirement 5
Also see the Related Requirements for Wolf Electives.
Cub Scout Academics and Sports Program
Belt Loops & Pins tie directly to these requirements: Tiger / Electives, Wolf / Electives, Bear / Electives, and Webelos Activity Pins.
Other awards available to Wolf Cub Scouts
- See also: Cub Scout Awards
- Honor Awards
List of all Scouting Awards
History of Wolf Cubbing
The British Scouts adopted the Wolf Cubbing program in 1916. In 1918, the first unofficial Wolf Cub packs appeared in the United States. Experimental Cubbing units began in 1928 and in 1930 the Boy Scouts of America began registering the first packs. The original Wolf badge was white on red felt and the current cloth version of the Wolf badge was introduced in 1972. The Wolf program was originally for boys age 9, later changed to age 8, and in 1986 became associated with second grade boys.
Wolf Cub Scout Den Meeting Plans
Den meeting plans are developed around a Scouting program year that is presumed to begin in early September and continue through May, at which time Cub Scouts would become involved in summertime Scouting activities.
Two types of den meeting plans are offered for the den leader’s use:
- Numbered plans: Programming for the program/school year (September through May), including rank advancement requirements for dens meeting twice a month
- Lettered or supplemental plans: Additional programming for dens meeting year-round or more than twice per month
The den meeting plans for each rank are designed to be conducted in sequential order. Certain activities are partially completed in one meeting and finished in another. Other activities or skills are natural prerequisites for things that come later in the den’s year.
Local conditions (weather, events, etc.) or your den’s schedule may make altering the order of the den meetings attractive. As a den leader, you may change the order solong as you make sure the change does not jeopardize the boys’ opportunity to earn their rank in the allotted time or disrupt the logical order of the activities and achievements.When there is any doubt, the planned order should be used. Discuss with your Cubmaster any changes, as they may also affect pack activities.
Download Wolf Cub Scout Den Meeting Planning Worksheet 
Download the Wolf Letter Template
Den Meeting No. |
Wolf Den Meeting Plans |
Requirements/Electives Covered
*HA = Home/family assignment |
Download |
1 |
Bobcat and Your Flag |
Do: Achievement 2b or 2f, Bobcat (partial), Electives 9b, 12e
HA*: Achievement 8b–e, How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse |
PDF  |
2 |
Your Flag and Feats of Skill |
Do: Achievements 2a and 1a–f |
PDF  |
3 |
Your Flag, and Sports Electives |
Do: Achievement 2c, 2d, 2e, 2g; Elective 20h, i, j (one of k, l, or m), Bowling belt loop
HA: Achievement 3a |
PDF  |
4 |
Keep Your Body Healthy and Bowling Field Trip |
Verify: Achievement 3a
Do: A chievement 3b–c, Elective 20g, Bowling belt loop |
PDF  |
5 |
Know Your Home and Community and Be Safe at Home and on the Street |
Do: Achievements 4f, 9a, 9d, 9e
HA: Achievements 4a–d, 9b–d, 7e |
PDF  |
6 |
Know Your Home and Community, Make a Gift and Sing-Along |
Verify: Achievement 9b–d
Do: Achievement 4a–d, Electives 9b–c, 11a
HA: Achievement 4e |
PDF  |
7 |
Your Living World and Tie It Right |
Verify: Achievements 4e, 7e
Do: Achievement 7a–f, Electives 9b–c, 17a–c
HA: Achievements 4e, 6b, 8c–e |
PDF  |
8 |
Cooking and Eating and Start a Collection |
Verify: Achievements 4e, 8c–e
Do: Achievements 6a, 6c, 8a, 8b |
PDF  |
9 |
Tools for Fixing and Building |
Do: Achievement 5a–e
HA: Achievements 10 and 11, Elective 13c |
PDF  |
10 |
Birds |
Verify: Achievements 10 and 11 and Elective 13c
Do: Elective 13a–e; Achievement 10a–g
HA: Elective 13f |
PDF  |
11 |
Making Choices |
Verify: Elective 13f
Do: A chievement 12a and four from 12b–k
HA: Review and complete Achievement 12 |
PDF  |
12 |
Books, Books, Books |
Verify: Achievement 12a–k
Do: Electives 6a and 6c, 12a |
PDF  |
13 |
Pets |
Do: Elective 14b–d |
PDF  |
14 |
American Indian Lore (and Turn in Making Choices) |
Do: Elective 10a, 10c, 10f
HA: Electives 10a (if not complete), 21 |
PDF  |
15 |
Marbles |
Verify: Achievement 10a, Elective 21
Do: Elective 4e, Marbles belt loop |
PDF  |
16 |
Outdoor Adventure and Fishing (or another Game or Belt Loop) |
Do: Electives 18a and b, 19a–f |
PDF  |
Den Meeting Letter |
Tiger Den Meeting Plans |
Requirements/Electives Covered
*HA = Home/family assignment |
Download |
A |
Grow Something and Birds |
Do: Electives 10a, 13b, 15a or b |
PDF  |
B |
Spare Time Fun, Part 1 |
Do: Elective 5 |
PDF  |
C |
Spare Time Fun, Part 2 |
Do: Elective 5 |
PDF  |
D |
Swimming and Boating Safety Rules** |
Do: Achievement 1h and 1i, Elective 20b, Swimming belt loop |
PDF  |
E |
Be an Actor, Be an Artist |
Do: Electives 2, 12d |
PDF  |
F |
Make It Yourself |
Do: Elective 3a–b |
PDF  |
G |
Outdoor Adventure Fun |
Do: Electives 18a, 4a–f |
PDF  |
H |
Spare Time Fun |
Do: Elective 5a |
PDF  |
I |
Make It Yourself |
Do: Elective 3c and 3d |
PDF  |
J |
Machine Power |
Do: Elective 8a–d |
PDF  |
K |
Be an Artist |
Do: Elective 12b, c, f |
PDF  |
L |
Grow Something |
Do: Elective 15e |
PDF  |
M |
Family Alert |
Do: Elective 16a–c |
PDF  |
N |
Sports (Softball or Baseball) |
Do: Elective 20l |
PDF  |
O |
Say It Right |
Do: Elective 22a–e |
PDF  |
** Note: Using this plan requires completion by the leader(s) of Safe Swim Defense training.